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Aboriginal Cross Cultural Awareness Training

"A nation's culture resides in the hearts and soul of its people." - Mahatma Gandhi

Today more than ever, effective intercultural awareness and cross cultural communication skills are fundamental to working effectively with Aboriginal people in developing strategies, policies, programs and business.

Who we work with

We work with individuals and groups across all sectors including private, government, not for profit and social entreprise. 


What we do

We provide half day, one day and two day Aboriginal cross cultural workshops.  


How we do it

Our workshops and programs promote pragmatic communication across cultures, breaks down perceived barriers, and profiles relationship building.


We offer various programs direct to organisationstailored to their industry needs.


We also offer open public courses. Dates for 2015 to be determined. Please get in touch if interested.

Culturally Speaking - Aboriginal Cross Cultural Awareness Workshops. 


We offer three workshop programs:

1. General Cross Cultural Awareness

2. Supervisor Training

3. Leadership Training


These can be comprehensive 2 DAY workshops, 1 DAY and 1/2 DAY workshops tailored to your specific industry needs. 


Generally our program incorporates an in-depth look at 'Traditional Aboriginal Culture' in Australia, the 'Impact of Contact', i.e. colonisation and, a discussion about our current reality and how we can all 'work together' considering all the challenges, the opportunities and overcoming adversity.

THE AIM OF CULTURALLY SPEAKING is to provide participants with a greater understanding of cross cultural dynamics and issues, which can be applied to projects, or within the workplace. We also explore our own attitudes, beliefs and reflecton how these influence our style of communication and work outputs.
An overarching intent is to stimulate genuine interest and passion that helps to build or improve the relationship between you or your organisation and Aboriginal people, and explore how we can all become more effective in working together. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​



Our cross cultural training experience spans over 15 years. We have run over 1000 programs and impacted on more than 20,000 people.


During this time we have had the opportunity to engage with a broad spectrum of people and facilitate their understanding of Aboriginal/Non-Aboriginal relations and often, their enthusiasm to learn, and the implementation of better engagement strategies. Clients include:

Shell Australia Pty Ltd
Tourism Western Australi
Woodside Limited

Telstra Corporation
Department of Agriculture
Department of Conservation & Land Management
Department of Community Development
Department of Corrective Service
Department of Employment, Workplace Relations & Small Business
Normandy Mining Group/Newmont Mining

Office of Women’s Policy DevelopmenEducation Department – Remote Community Schools
Ministry of Justice Department, Western Australia
Central Great Southern Health Service
Western Australian Foster Care Association
Office of Aboriginal Economic Development, Department of Commerce and Trade
Family Planning of Western Australia
Belmont Business Enterprise Centre
Perth Area Consultative Committee
South East Metropolitan College of TAFE

Department of Indigenous Affair
Australian Integrated Management Services Corporation

Insurance Commission of Western Australia
City of Swan

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